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000198_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Oct 12 16:14:24 1994.msg
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Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 12:07:10 MST
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X-NewsSoftware: GRn 2.0e Oct 23, 1993
From: jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Lunch/Lifting
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
In article <199410121147.HAA11703@kanga.INS.CWRU.Edu> aa794@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Pete Nofel) writes:
> And here's why the "Reply-To" should have stayed the sender:
> >
> >Hey Dudes,
> >
> > I've had a change of heart. I can't lift on thursday, so
I disagree. We get the ocassional screwup like this but we gain a
lot more discussion when people reply to the group. Notice how quiet
things got when the reply field was to the sender? With the reply
field going to the list, sure there will be some people who don't
pay attention and send personal mail to the list (and they never do
it again), but there will also be a lot more continuing discussion about
Lightwave techniques, problems and workarounds.
It would help if people would just ignore the occassional personal
message erroneously posted.
My .02.
Ob Lighwave content:
Thanks to all for the pointers to third party utilities for cutting and
pasting in fields. In some cases it's better to do things outside of
Lightwave. In this case, I think it would be better for Lightwave to support
the system clipboard (and someday the system file requester, but I digress).
In the mean time, I'll try the suggested workaround. Last time I tried
such a utility it was an effort to remember the wierd key combinations to
trigger it, and it didn't work with everything. But that was years ago...
I would also like to see Lightwave have an option to grab every nth frame
when grabbing a sequence so you could do variable speeds of the same
clip mapped to different objects simultaneously.